Thursday 4 March 2010


After we had found our hotel and booked in etc we headed off to downtown Saskatoon, we had seen a video of the city on a web site but it looked nothing like that now, the cold Saskatchewan winter had taken its toll.

so we parked the Dodge and head off on foot, the walkways meanders along the banks of the south Saskatchewan river which is quite wide at this point, the whole setting was of a parkland type with wide footpaths that joggers and cyclist's use even now in the very early spring and you could imagine cross country skiers using them in the mid winter when snow lay on the ground.
The bridge you can see in the picture above is one of Severn that cross this river in Saskatoon allowing the 250,000 people that live here to move freely from one side to the other.

The river had been totally frozen over during winter but parts of it had now broken up and was floating downstream revealing large sandbanks with fast flowing water, a far cry from when pelicans swim and fish in the river.

The city of Saskatoon has a four season year with temperatures ranging from +30 in the summer months to -30 in the winter it also has the most recorded hours of sunshine than any other major city in Canada.

Over 6000 years of first nations history has been recorded in this area and this is celebrated at the Wansukewin heritage park nearby, Saskatoon also has the Ukrainian museum of Canada the Diefenbaker Canada centre, and the western development museum.

We spotted this critter as we walked along on the side of the river it is about 14inches long without the tail.

What a lovely sunset to end the day, as we walked back to the Dodge along 20th street east down by the bandstand
Tomorrow we go to see about a new life here in Canada and in this great city of Saskatoon.

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