Thursday 15 April 2010

June 2009 Is This The End Of Our Dream

Well we have finally got all the required documents that the company have asked us to get

so i put them all in a zipped file and sent them off to Saskatoon.

Our house was still on the market but we hadn't had many people come to view over the last few weeks, so we lowered the price by a good chunk hoping to get some interest,I also changed the agent to see if that made any difference, as we needed to sell to be able to take the capital out to set up in Canada

Then on the June 4th 2009 we received a Email from the company stating that

Due to the economic situation and the workload of the company they would not be offering me or any other foreign worker a position within the company and that they realise that this would be a huge disappointment to Louise and myself, and if we would like to keep in touch then when things get better the situation can be reevaluated!!!!!!!!!
Well i don't think anybody could really understand how gutted, disappointed we felt after reading that e mail.
To say the world had imploded on us was a understatement, we had worked so hard to get the interview in the first place its not just one of those jobs where i just sent a few e mails to company's and ended up getting a interview over the phone, nor was it a quick thing where it looks a good idea i will give it a try type of thing, i had worked hours and hours on my resume to get it looking just right and had a lot of help from people in Canada [thanks to them they know who they are] we had researched and researched so we knew just what we were letting ourselves in for, and just what we wanted and where we wanted to be and that was,
Saskatoon Saskatchewan

A few days later i just had to ring and speak to the company to find out just what was happening ,one thing for sure we weren't going to Canada and i needed to find out for myself man to man so to spake.

Well it was a long conversation and on my mobile, but that didn't matter i had asked the questions i wanted and got the answers i needed to try and rebuild our lives we weren't going to Canada but at least i knew the reasons why.

When we came out of the interview in Saskatoon we both felt that this company was the right trucking company for us and that they certainly thought more of us and me ,i mean i wasn't just a Brit bloke that wanted to be a north American trucker, i had a pulse and two legs and could drive a truck and never mind about the rest of the family tagging along, we felt that they wanted the whole package and for us to be a secure family unit in a secure job long term as they would be going to be investing their money in us too, and we would be using our money to settle in the area.

When you enter the world of a Provincial nominee you are really tied to the one company until you become a landed immigrant, and if you jack or get fired or get laid off due to the economic position of the country or world in this case, then its very difficult to get another position its not impossible but very difficult, so this was one of the reasons he said to me that it would probably financially ruin us if they brought us over then in a few months had to let us go as when any company lays off they have to layoff foreign workers first and really the only place to go would be home back to the UK


We talked for some time then when all avenues had been talked over we said goodbye and i had decided to take his advise and keep in touch.

over the next few weeks i thought about what we had talked about and the more i knew he had made the right decision not to take us on at that time, we took the house off the market and got on with our lives

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